Sabado, Agosto 10, 2013


I would say that the whole quarter in CS1 is very AWESOME. The room, teacher and the lessons complements with each other. I've learn many things and some cool stuff in the computer and its subject.


The wikipedia says "In cryptographyencryption is the process of encoding messages (or information) in such a way that eavesdroppers or hackers cannot read it, but that authorized parties can." NOSEBLEED! Based on what I've learned or the simplest meaning "The process of converting a data into a secret code." Learning Encryption is very interesting. But understanding it is somehow difficult. Or maybe just ask Libuit because he's the one who can only understand his own handwritten which is the synonyms of encryption.


Sometimes, I feel taking notes in my notebook but the one who made me lazy is when I am taking down the notes and I cannot see the last part because Rafael is so tall and he's blocking the screen. I feel very small.

P.S. Sir, please change the seating arrangement.

Chamba-chamba rin pag may time :D

I didn't memorize the commands in our command prompt practical test but I got 9 out of 10. I am very happy because its only a "chamba"! But honestly the commands are very easy. . . . .except the 10th command. Sir Tom didn't teach the 10th command that's why many of us didn't get a perfect score. But I was amazed to the students who got the 10th command. I was like "What the. How did you get the command?"

Microsoft Word Thingy

The Com. Sci. is more on lab outputs, one of this is the Microsoft Word Thingy. Page formatting, annotation, math equation, mail merge and etc. are some of the things we've done. Honestly, I think I know all the "checheburetse" in the MS Word but I was wrong. "This thing really exist?" I said on my mind.

Seriously, when I made the Course Outline, Class Schedule, and Graphical Design I feel very lazy and my head aches so I am not expecting to get a high grades. To be more specific my work is "puchu-puchu". When Sir Tom checked my work I saw in his eyes that he is not consistent. He often says "Tsk! Tsk!" that why I feel very nervous.

That's one of my experience in our Computer Science 1 class.

Is computer really important?

When I was still a kiddo when somebody ask me the importance of computer I would always say "For playing y8" Yes. I'm super addicted to y8 when I was in grade 2. But when I turn 9 years old, my Tita thought me to use the Microsoft Word for my projects. She say compu-type works are better than handwritten works. So the use for projects is on my list. As time pass, I used computer for research or in other word for "copy-paste." Computers also help you to communicate and socialize with other people with the help of yahoo messenger, facebook and others. So here's my list:
  • Playing computer games
  • For projects
  • Research
  • to communicate/ socialize

But computers have limitations. The excess usage of computer will lead you to poor eye sight (I'm very thankful that I don't wear eyeglasses even sometimes I use computer every day or every hour). When you get super duper addicted with the computer games,  you'll have less time for your study.

Computers have a very big role to the community but remember to use them in a proper way.

Hi Sir :)

I want you to meet the MOST HANDSOME TEACHER IN PSHS_BRC. . . .*tentereren*. . . Sir Tom Jordan Secundo.
(Naggigiyomi si Sir underwater.ASTIG)

"Memorizing is different from understanding. When you memorize, you'll eventually forget it but if you understand something, it becomes common knowledge to you."

This words were said by Sir Tom while were having a test which you will tell the meaning of some Com. Sci topic based of what you've learn. Its like a Word of Wisdom told by an angel sent from above.

I first met Sir Tom when we have an election for the PCSO officers. He called me "Sampung Kirs" which mean Kirsten. He was the club adviser. By that, I expect that he was very cool and have a sense of humor. The higher years told me that Sir Tom loves Adventure Time. I even saw him wearing a Adventure Time t-shirt. They also told me that he gives bonus questions related to Adventure Time. I feel very nervous because I didn't watch Adventure Time.

The most memorable experience with Sir Tom is when he gets angry with us because of the command prompt. He says, "The PSHS is not under DepEd and do not expect that the teacher will spoon-feed you." Honestly, the education here in Pisay is more difficult but as a scholar we should need to adjust with the new environment. Sir Tom teaches us many things that I would treasure a lot.

The Lab that I Love. . .The Com. Sci. Lab.

The Laboratory that I love is the Computer Science Laboratory. Why? Considering the fact that it is the only laboratory which is air conditioned (as far as I know). There is also 30 computers which made me realize that PSHS is so wealthy (yamaners) but some is malfunctioning that why you need to have a partner in some activities. And Sir Tom's computer/screen is so hi-tech.

Command Prompt

I didn't know that this thing really exist in the computer. Learning Command Prompt topic is somehow COOL. In just one command the files were deleted, renamed or etc. But you should also be careful when using the DOS when you gave the wrong command. . . .PATAY!
But when you learn how to use the command prompt properly it is a relief. :)

MOODLE, the coolest website.

The moodle is sooooo COOL. You don't need to copy notes for the power point or lectures you just need to visit the moodle and read there or in the better way listen to Sir Tom. You don't need to use a paper and ballpen when answering the test question, just use the moodle. And I just found out that you can also submit your assignment on moodle. How cool was that ? In fact, its like private facebook only use for Pisayanos you can chat with you're friends and greet you're schoolmate with a Happy Birthday.

Seriously, when I first open my moodle account I was like "How would I change my password?", "What I'm gonna do?" many questions popped in my mind but I was totally amazed by this website. This place is very incredible. It took me so long to fathom whoever programmed or create this website.

Biyernes, Agosto 9, 2013


When I was in elementary, we don't have any computer subject. Our school doesn't have enough funds to buy computers. But I am not an ignorant using a computer. In fact, I know how to use the Microsoft Word since I am 9 years old. When Ma'am Bue says our subjects I am very happy that there's a Computer Science subject. I really want to enhance more my skills in using computer and computer was my interest.

When we have our first meeting with Sir Tom, I am expecting that I will learn many things from his subject. Since this is a science high school, I believe that lazy teacher doesn't exist here. I am expecting that this subject would be difficult since I have no experience attending a computer class but I expect that Com. Sci would be fun.  I expect with Sir Tom that he would be patient with his student and a little bit strict. I want also a teacher with a sense of humor so that the subject would not be boring. 

These are my expectations in Computer Science even they don't have the abilities I want. I accepted the challenge. The challenge that I would do my best in this subject.

P.S. Sorry for the wrong grammar